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Oral and Dental Health - oral and maxillofaci

Dental Implant Surgery

In people with tooth loss for various reasons, the missing teeth create problems in terms of both function and aesthetic appearance. While, in the past, methods such as prostheses or bridges were used to replace missing teeth, today, with the rapid developments in implantology technology, implant treatment is one of the methods most used in the treatment of missing teeth by dentists. Please read through to find out What does implant mean?, What is a dental implant?, How long does an implant last?and for everything you are curious about implants.

What is an implant?

Sometimes any part of the body may be missing or damaged for various reasons. In this case, implant treatment is one of the most preferred treatment methods. The first thing that comes to mind when one says implant is the materials used in the treatment of missing teeth, but in a more general sense, implant is a tissue or medical devices that are placed in or on the skin and compatible with the body. Cochlear, which is generally known as bionic ear, is one of the best examples of implant applications.

What is a cochlear implant?is one of the questions the answer of which is most wondered.   Cochlear implant is the name given to prostheses that are surgically placed in the ear in patients who have hearing loss for any reason and cannot benefit from hearing aids. So, What is an implant tooth?Thanks to the developments in health technology, implant technology comes to the fore in dental treatment today. Teeth is damaged and even lost due to gingivitis, gingival recession, loss of function of decaying teeth, traffic accident etc. In this case, in order for the patient to fully perform chewing, it may be necessary to place special materials that will serve as a tooth in the area of ​​tooth loss. Dental implants are prostheses made of special materials such as titanium, which are applied inside or on the jawbone in the presence of missing teeth. It can be applied without damaging the surrounding teeth, in other words, it is not necessary to cut the neighboring teeth to perform the procedure during dental implant application. Therefore, dental implants are more functional compared to conventional methods such as bridges.

To Whom Can Tooth Implant Be Administered?

Dental implant is a method that can be applied to almost every patient. However, doctors may not consider implanting appropriate for those who use blood thinners or are with diabetes. Apart from this, people who can be treated with implants can be listed as follows:
  • Those who are over the age of 18,
  • Those with single or multiple tooth lost,
  • Those who have a solid bone structure that will allow implants to be placed,
  • People having a healthy oral tissue.

How Is Implant Treatment Performed?

Before the implant treatment, the specialist dentist who will perform the treatment examines the patient's chin x-ray in detail. Another thing people wonder is th answer of the question "How long does the implant treatment take?".  Implant treatment consists of several stages. First of all, during the implant treatment, the patient is taken to a sterile environment and local anesthesia or mild sedation is administered to the patient to prevent pain during the procedure. After making sure that the patient is under the influence of anesthesia, the oral and maxillofacial surgeon makes a small incision on the gum to expose the jawbone. Then, holes are made on the jawbone in the area where the implant will be placed, with the help of special tools.  The hole on the jawbone is gradually widened and made suitable for implant placement. Then implant screws are placed in these holes. A certain amount of time is needed to ensure that the placed implant integrates with the bone. For this reason, the bone is covered with a protective screw, which will serve as a cover. Thereafter, the gingiva is sutured and the waiting period is started, which will ensure the integration of the bone and the implant. This period is usually 3 to 6 months. After the waiting period, a temporary prosthesis is placed on the screw and the gingiva is waited to form again. When the gingival shaping process is completed, the temporary prosthesis is replaced by a prosthesis made of porcelain or zirconium, and the treatment is completed. Today, it is also possible to perform suture-free dental implant treatments. Since there is no incision in the suture-free operations, the completion of the treatment and the healing process are much faster. In addition, it is also possible to place the implant and the tooth on the same day as when the tooth is extracted. With this method, implant treatment can be completed in one step.

Points To Be Taken Into Considerations After Dental Implant

Today, implant treatment can be done with or without sutures. There is a risk of experiencing certain complications after both of them. Therefore, some points should be considered after the operation. The common complications after implant treatment include:
  • Bruising and edema in the face area,
  • Pain in where the implant is placed,
  • Redness and bleeding in gingiva.

The specialist dentists who perform the surgery give advices to the patients about the points they should pay attention to after the operation. As long as the patients follow these recommendations, the risk of complications related to the operation is very low. The points to consider after implant surgery are as follows:
  • Painkillers and antibiotics may be required after the procedure.
  • Applying ice therapy after implants can help reduce swelling and bruising.
  • It is important to consume liquid foods instead of solid foods for a while and to avoid hard foods.
  • Using tobacco and tobacco products can increase the risk of bleeding and infection, so it is important to avoid the use of harmful substances.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to oral and dental hygiene as recommended by the dentist. Cleaning the mouth regularly after the implant increases the success of the implant.
  • If the swelling does not go away for a long time or if there is slack in the implanted area, it is necessary to go for checkup without delay.

What is Wondered About Dental Implant

  1. How long does the implant procedure take?

The duration of the implant varies depending on the structure of the mouth and jaw or the number of missing teeth. Single tooth implant surgery is completed in an average of 1 hour.
  1. When is the tooth placed after the attachment of the implant screw?

The time required for the screw to integrate with the bone varies from 3 to 6 months after the implant screw is inserted. In one-stage operations, tooth can be placed on the same day.
  1. How long does the implant treatment take?

If the implant treatment is performed without suture, the treatment can be completed in a shorter time as there is no incision as in the method with suture. In the one-stage implant treatment, the tooth is extracted and then the implant is placed in a single operation. However, in any case, a certain period of time is needed by the artificial tooth root to placed in the jawbone to integrate with the jawbone. Although this period varies according to the patient's mouth and jaw structure, implant treatment is completed within 3 to 4 months on average.
  1. How long does the pain last after the placement of an implant?

During the implant treatment, the holes drilled in the jawbone to place the artificial tooth root may cause some pain after the placement of implant. Under normal conditions, it is expected that the pain will decrease and disappear within 7 to 10 days. In this process, the patient can use pain relievers prescribed by his/her dentist. If, however, the pain persists for a longer period of time, it may be helpful to consult the operating dentist, as this may indicate the presence of an infection.
  1. What happens if the implant sutures break?

The breaking of a suture is not uncommon as long as the dentist's recommendations are followed after the placement of the implant.  However, if the sutures break, a healthcare provider should be consulted.
  1. What are the implant prices?

Implant prices vary according to the type of operation, the material used and the number of implants to be placed.
  1. How long does an implant last?

Research show that an implant made of titanium lasts for approximately 30 years. Taking care of oral hygiene also prolongs the life of the implant.
  1. What happens if the implant touches a nerve?

A risk of this kind is very low when implant treatment is performed by a specialist team.  If the implant comes into contact with the nerve as a result of incorrect placement, loss of sensation may develop in the lip and face area due to nerve injury.

Today, with the effect of developing technology, it is possible to replace missing teeth with natural-looking teeth. If you want to get more information on dental implants, please remember to apply to the nearest healthcare institution and have your necessary checks done. We wish you healthy days.

* Bu içeriğin geliştirilmesinde İsü Dent Yayın Kurulu katkı sağlamıştır.
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